AYA • Dance Yourself Free

Spring Energy Boost • 5-Week Series

September 25 (Wednesday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Ananda Studio

Join us for any/all of this special spring energy medicine series to boost your body's health and vitality!

Update: Join us from the comfort of your own home! Classes will be held live, online, through Zoom. You will receive a link to join this private class right away in your registration confirmation email, and again in a reminder email 20-30 min prior to class. 

Mondays, 7-8 PM.

Spring Energy Boost Series
• April 6th, Basic Intro to Energy Medicine, 7-8 PM, FREE!
• April 13th, Energy Testing Food, 7-8 PM, $10
• April 20th, Emotions!, 7-8 PM, $10
• April 27th, Ease Headache Pain, 7-8 PM, $10
• May 4th, Eye Health, 7-8 PM, $10

Week 1: Basic intro to energy medicine. *** FREE ***
You've heard the term but don't know anything about it. This is the class for you!! We will go over some terminology and basic concepts. Then you will learn a daily energy routine (the DER) that helps balance energy systems that most people need. Simple exercises that take only 5 minutes and gives you a great boost to starting your day.

Week 2: Energy testing food.
Back by popular demand. This is not a class on eating your veggies! Rather, it gives you some tools on evaluating food before you eat it, using the energy of the food and how it interacts with your own energy field. Results are different for each person. Bring along a few things that are normally in your diet and we will determine if they are good, bad or indifferent in supporting the energy of your body.

Week 3: Emotions!
We all have them, but sometimes they are so intense or persistent that they get in our way. This class will give you some tools for energetically processing emotional responses.

Week 4: Ease Headache pain.
Energy techniques can be applied to many pains. This class will focus on simple techniques to get rid of headache pain. I can personally endorse these techniques as I have not used a pill to ease a headache in over 7 years! Bring your pain and a water bottle to class.

Week 5: Energy Techniques for Eye Health
The body's energies around the eyes should be in their optimal flow for the eyes to function their best. The area around the eyes are rich in important energy points. Six meridians have end points on the face near the eyes; the sixth chakra is nearby; and there are several neurovascular points around the eyes. This class focuses on simple techniques to balance energy for improved support to the eyes.  Having already taken the week 1 class on the basics of energy medicine is helpful but not required.

These specialty energy medicine classes are taught by Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner (EEM-CLP), Rick Kottman.


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